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Communities at risk can now afford to make, store, move and then build their own complete shelter kit.



1. The bamboo frame.

The emergency RSK shelter uses 33% less bamboo than any other equivalent roof span shelter. The complete bamboo frame costs less than USD $5.

2. Families can easily make the complete kit

No special tools or skills are needed. Only 3 different lengths of bamboo are cut for this 9 pole frame. All the other parts of the kit can be sourced  locally.

3. Use of affordable local materials

Fresh cut green bamboo can be used for the frame if required. Natural fibres can be used for ropes and lashings.  The roof frame is easily cut down to fit any size tarpaulin or plastic sheeting. Alternatively, it can be thatched with palm leaves if neither are available.


The emergency RSK shelter kit


RSK shelter preparedness training in Myanmar delta village at risk of recurring annual flooding

4. Kits are easily stored and recycled

The 9 bamboo poles in the kit can be  lashed together with the ropes that are included. All materials are easily recycled if not used.

5. Only the 4 pole reciprocal overlap of the roof frame needs to be demonstrated to families.

All the other building steps for these shelters use traditional methods of shelter construction that communities will be familiar with.


6. Families can easily build  this shelter without any tools or assistance.

This is because the roof is BUILT ON THE GROUND  instead of overhead  like conventional shelters. It makes assembly far easier and greatly facilitates the tying of strong lashings.

7. The roof of this shelter can support heavy loads

In an absolute emergency any available materials such wooden planks or CGI sheeting can be used. There is potential for a foliage layer to create a cooler shelter in the tropics and insulation options to reduce the risk of hypothermia in cold climates.

8. The shelter can be build on difficult terrain.

From sloping ground to restricted urban / masonry locations this shelter is more adaptable to difficult sites than conventional shelters.

9. Roof frame adaptability

 The roof frame can be lifted up onto any available support, including stones and mud walls, to improve the  living space.

10. The shelter is easy  to upgrade

The same roof frame that a family uses for this shelter can later be lifted up onto 4 posts to make a standard RSK shelter when further bamboo becomes available.

11. The complete kit is easily carried.

This mobility is important when families are having to move rapidly away from hazards such as flash floods. 

12. The kit has a stretcher option.

A simple stretcher can be made from the kit parts to carry disabled individuals or possessions.

13. Storm shelter safety option.

In very severe storms the roof of this shelter can be lowered  within minutes to the low wind profile or "storm shelter". This unique feature provides an opportunity to save the shelter and help secure the welfare of the occupants.

 14.  Fire safety improved.

The more combustible split bamboo and cane lattice roofs of conventional shelters are replaced in this shelter with less combustible complete bamboo poles.

 15.  The shelter is designed to meet

Sphere standards. 

From initial development right through to deploying, monitoring and evaluating the humanitarian benefits of the RSK shelter.

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